Group Class Levels

Must be assigned a group by one of our coaches after a skill evaluation private session.Each level has a skill efficiencey requirement to be in that group. Build up your points with Skill Technical Classes. To get to the Higher level groups.


 Intro (Beginners)

For the newest player to volleyball in general. Open to all. This is where you learn the results of each skill, basic technique, and strategy.

Developmental (Learning)

Have some eperience in volleyball.Either you've played indoor and are new to beach, Or you play beach but want to play at a higher level. Learning and practicing skills, techniques, and stategies to play at a higher level.

Competitive (Experienced)

Players are athletic and have a few years of experience. Smaller technical details are examined to indentify limitations in performance or consistency to play at the higher level. 


Organized drills for higher level players.  AA and above. More advanced technical strategies, and game situations are analyzed and played.


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