Group Class Levels

Must be assigned a group by one of our coaches after a skill evaluation private session.Each level has a skill efficiencey requirement to be in that group. Build up your points with Skill Technical Classes. To get to the Higher level groups.


Open Elite (Competing)

High School. Athletic with good volleyball techniques with different skills. Experienced with beach Tounaments, Top Players. Silver, Gold levels. 

Open Advanced (Perfecting)

High School. Athletic with good volleyball techniques with different skills. smaller details for more  strategy and consistency

Open Competitive (Gaining Knowledge)

Have some experience in volleyball and most of the beach skills but still gaining the beach game experience.

14U Competitive (Perfecting)

Junior High. Athletic with good volleyball techniques with different skills. Gaining the beach game experience.

Open Developmental (Learning)

High School. Have some experience in volleyball but still learning the technique of each skill for higher level results.

 14U Developmental (Learning)

Junior High. Have some experience in volleyball but still learning the technique of each skill for higher level results.

 12U Developmental (Learning)

11 and 12 years olds.  Younger has to be approved from coaches through a private lesson


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